
Event billede
Sted: Stampesgade 1 (Ved Metroplads), København V
Dato: Lørdag den 7. september 2024
Tid:, kl. 13.30.
Pris: Entré: 189 kr Køb/bestil billet

Gadens Stemmer.

Hello, my name is Julie! I will take you on a personal tour of the popular Vesterbro area, known for its nice restaurants and lively nightlife. But I will show you a different side of Vesterbro, a side not many know about.

What is my story about?
Despite a seemingly perfect life with work, family, and friends, my world derailed at a party with a bag of white powder. For four extraordinary years, heroin took control. Join me on a journey from a well-functioning life to a double life battling addiction. Living as an addict costs relationships, joy, and self-care
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