
Event billede
Sted: Biblioteket Rentemestervej, Rentemestervej 76, København NV
Dato: Fredag den 23. august 2024
Tid:, kl. 20:00.
Pris: Entré: 255 kr Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside

Burlesque Show - Teasing with the Stars.

Teasing with the Stars is a vivacious and tantalizing burlesque show that combines glitz and glamour with the art of seduction.

Teasing with the Stars is a vivacious and tantalizing burlesque show that combines glitz and glamour with the art of seduction.

As the curtains rise, the stage is bathed in a seductive glow, setting the scene for an immersive journey into the tantalizing world of burlesque. The show features a lineup of the most acclaimed burlesque performers, each a star in their own right, renowned for their charisma, talent, and captivating stage presence. Meet Lolo Brow (UK), Miss Chrissy Kiss (NL), Emmarald (DK), Sally Boleyn (DK), Mira Lightwood (DK) and Lady Effulgent (DK).

As the evening unfolds, the audience is transported to a world of fantasy and desire, where inhibitions are left at the door and anything is possible.

NB! No nudity
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