
Event billede
Arrangeret af: FO-Aarhus
Sted: Cafe Nicolai, Fo Huset, Vester Allé 8, Aarhus C
Dato: Tirsdag den 22. oktober til tirsdag den 5. november 2024
Tid:, 3 mødegange kl. 18.30-20.20.
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside

Drama Club - module 4 - Scene study.

Ludico. Theatre is excited to announce the launch of our new Drama Club starting in the. fall of 2024! This club is designed for anyone passionate about theatre and. eager to explore the world of drama, whether you're a beginner or have some.


What is the
Drama Club?

The Drama
Club is a creative community where participants can immerse themselves in all
aspects of theatre. Our journey begins with preparing our bodies, fostering
trust, and building self-confidence. In Module 2, we'll explore the "3 P's
of a scene: People, Place, and Problem." Module 3 will focus on our most
important instrument - our body, and how to communicate without words. Module 4
will involve working with text, and finally, in Module 5, we'll create small
scenes and potentially perform them for a small audience. Read about all


- (Tuesdays
at FO) 22/10 - 29/10 - 05/11 - Scene Study - Prepare for a dynamic combination of practical exercises, scene work,
and script analysis. Participants will sharpen their skills in interpreting,
understanding, and embodying characters from contemporary dramatic texts.
Outside of class, students will be expected to engage in script analysis and
rehearsal to fully prepare for their final presentations.

Teacher: Will Hightower

Underviser: William Hightower
Hold: 24-1508D
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