
Event billede
Arrangeret af: Helsingør Teater
Sted: Gummistranden, Strandpromenaden 1, Helsingør
Dato: Torsdag den 1. august 2024
Tid:, kl. 16.45.
Pris: Entré: Løssalg: 90 kr Køb/bestil billet

Baby don't hurt me.

Gadeteater. Aldersgruppe: Fra 12 år. Varighed: 25 min uden pause.

A participatory audience experience in public space, that is experienced both as a one-on-one performance and as a reduced audience in an intimate form, including contemporary circus, multidisciplinary physical performance, a kayak, some love, nature, salt, and karaoke.

The audience will be equipped with headphones, binoculars, and a bag of further essentials. Instructions will lead them from their meeting point to their designated area of arrival: here, they will see a scene, including the performer, Clara Cortés, and one audience member. It seems a romantic scene, a date. Through instructions, the arriving audience will come closer and closer, first becoming voyeurs, and then joining

Medvirkende: Clara Cortés Soler
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