
Arkiv: Overstået event
Event billede
Sted: Virkelig, Tagensvej 85C, København N
Dato: Søndag den 29. september 2024
Tid:, kl. 10-13.
Pris: Entré: 400 kr

Desire, boundaries, choice and Consent - A Playful introduction to the Wheel of Consent.

A Playful Introduction to the Wheel of Consent. Join us for an energising 3 hrs workshop that invites you to explore the vital topics of consent, choice, and desire in an engaging and playful atmosphere.

Have you ever encountered the following situations?- Gone along when you actually meant "NO"?- Said "NO" but secretly wished you could say "YES"?- Received a "gift" that didn't feel right for you?- Found it difficult to ask for something you genuinely wanted?- Felt embarrassment or uncertainty about your desires?- Struggled to clarify what you truly want?
Given what you wanted in the hope they would give it back?If you recognise any of these situations, this workshop is for you! Together, we'll explore the dynamics of consent and practice expressing our boundaries and our desires more clearly and fully
Discover how a "NO" is often a "YES" to something else and how saying "NO" can be a complete and empowering statement with deep impact on your sense of self worth. Discover how understanding and respecting consent, boundaries, and clarity can enhance, rather than restrict, your experiences of passion and emotion.
Understanding what you don't want allows you to set and communicate your boundaries clearly. Knowing what you want is crucial for asking for it. When you can confidently say "NO," you are also in a better position to enthusiastically say "YES" (and vice versa).We will explore the dynamics of giving and receiving with playful interactive exercises and games. We will practice how to make agreements before interacting with each other. We will learn why a felt and embodied sense of safety is essential for any human interaction.Important questions we'll consider include:-
What sensations accompany saying "YES"?- What feelings arise when you say "NO"?- How do you become more in tune with your desires?- In what contexts can it be challenging to identify your wants?- How easy or tough is it for you to share your desires?
We'll participate in dynamic interactive exercises and games to better understand the complexities of giving and receiving. You'll also learn to create agreements before engaging with others and explore why cultivating a sense of safety is crucial in all interactions.
This workshop serves as a foundational somatic introduction to the essential principles of The Wheel of Consent®.
NB Touch optional!
Investment for Intro Workshop: 400 Dkr
Maybe you also want to join the second WOC workshop of the day:
From 15:00 - 18:00: Workshop 2 - Working with Shadows, Rejections & Challenges
For participants who are joining for both workshops: We break for lunch 13:00 - 15:00
From 15:00 - 18:00: Workshop 2 - Working with Shadows, Rejections & Challenges
Sometimes it can be quite challenging to relate to other people. The more we are invested in a relation, the more challenging it can be with e.g. an intimate partner. But we might also experience feelings like being rejected, not good enough or powerless with friends, colleagues and even strangers.
Sometimes we might feel difficult, undesired or maybe even shameful emotions, when old wounds are spilt open or the inner child is hurting, causing us to react in a less productive way - in spite of our best intentions and otherwise feeling of being a mature, conscious adult.
What happens when that nagging feeling of not being chosen, not feeling good enough or when anger/jalousi/frustration etc shows up?
In Workshop 2 we venture deeper into the shadows and challenges of the Wheel of Consent and shine light on the darker, more vulnerable layers so the healing can begin...
The second workshop of the day comes with a trigger warning. It may stir up difficult, strong or hidden emotions in you.
NB - Touch optional!- Working with intimate partner or a random partner optionalInvestment for Workshop 2: 400 Dkr
Discount price for both workshops (1 + 2): 700 DKr Please contact Signe for the discount: or call 23826115
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