
Event billede
Sted: Hos Norup, Roskildevej 46, Frederiksberg
Dato: Lørdag den 15. februar 2025
Tid:, kl. 16.45-20.
Pris: Entré: 650 kr Køb/bestil billet

KISS in Copenhagen vol. 1 Mastering the art of sensual kissing (facilitated in English).

LET'S CELEBRATE VALENTINE'S WEEKEND WITH KISSES. Dear English-speaking kissing enthusiasts, this event will be conducted in English. This event is for those who love to kiss.

You are probably already great at kissing, and I promise that you will expand your repertoire even more and kiss in new ways you haven't tried before. It will be spiced up with scientific facts, and you will connect on multiple levels - not just with kisses; presence is many things.
Maybe you have kissed a lot in the past, but the intense, playful kisses have faded into the background in a busy everyday life. Do you wish for a wonderful and fun time together, where you feel a sense of togetherness, playfulness, and lightheartedness between you? If you are interested in an exciting experience with a fine balance of facts, theory, and loving exercises with each other - then KISS - Mastering the art of sensual kissing is definitely for you!

Regardless of what sparked your curiosity, read more here.
I, Lisa Lawrie, a certified Sexologist and Couples Therapist, am your Facilitator and I invite you to this wonderful event. You and a partner will embark on a journey together, so you can have a deep, fun and connecting experience with your own kissing partner.
All previous attendees have felt very comfortable, and I will create your own special bubble, so you can kiss privately under loving guidance. This is an expansion of your repertoire adding scientific facts and connecting moments on multiple levels.

Who signs up?
Previously, there have been married couples, lovers, friends, people on their first date, and acquaintances who didn't have a partner but felt drawn to this event.
Your age, gender, sexual orientation, and relationship status are irrelevant - just make sure it's someone you want to kiss and connect with in various ways during this session.

At Norup
Roskildevej 46
2000 Frederiksberg
The event takes place at Norup with entrance from the side of the house near the parking lot.
The arrival time is 4:45 PM when I open the door for a soft landing. We always start on time, finishing at 8:00 PM.

Price and registration:
650 DKK per couple for an evening on Cloud Nine.
Please note one ticket is valid for two persons.
You can also buy a gift card if you wish.

Please wear comfortable clothing that allows movement and seating (no jeans or tight trousers).

Kindly bring a sarong (or other thin cloth measuring 1.5 x 1.5 meters) if possible. For the most optimal comfort, please bring a folding mattress or a top-mattress and a couple of pillows for your space.

Registration is binding. The term and conditions for this event is equal to buying tickets for a concert, meaning if you are unable to attend for any reason, you can give or sell your tickets to another couple who can join instead. This way, others can benefit and your spot is not wasted. Money will not be refunded.

!! Facts! Did you know:
The origin of the word KISS is the Old English "coss," which was an onomatopoeic word.
We can recreate some of the feelings of being in love by keeping playful, exciting, juicy kisses alive, as we also release the love hormone serotonin when we kiss.
Kissing lowers the level of the stress hormone cortisol and has a relaxing effect on us.
The first time a kiss was shown in a film was in 1896, and the kiss lasted 47 seconds.
The extra saliva breaks down plaque and increases mineral salts in the saliva that protect tooth enamel. So when you kiss your partner, you get better oral health, healthier teeth, and gums.
We have been kissing for millennia, and the earliest kiss-related findings are 3,500-year-old Indian texts in Sanskrit.
An American study shows that over half of men and two-thirds of women have ended a relationship because the partner was a bad kisser. You may recognize this from past experiences.
Your lips are much more sensitive than your fingertips. That's why kissing feels so good.
Besides burning up to twice as many calories per minute while kissing, kisses can activate up to 30 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles.
Kissing also helps smooth lines and wrinkles and tightens the muscles in the neck and jaw. The sought-after glow can also be achieved because kissing increases circulation in your face.

Here are some recommendations:

"A huge thank you for a fantastic Kissing workshop in Odense. It was a magical evening with beautiful music, colors, candles, and lovely, long, tantalizing kisses, touch, and closeness... We felt throughout the evening as if we were in our own bubble without being disturbed by others.
You have created a fantastic space with room and respect for everyone, and you took us on a beautiful journey that we will remember and be inspired by for a long time. We highly recommend the workshop to everyone - whether you are just starting a relationship or have been together for many years.
Hugs Joanna and Lars"
"A really cozy event and Lisa is just so wonderful and
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